What is flexischooling?

Flexischooling is a unique arrangement between the parent and the school in which children are registered at school normally yet only attend part time. The rest of the time the child will be home educated. There is no curriculum that parents must follow when they are educating their children at home, but the children must follow the National Curriculum while they are in school.
Flexischooling is not for everyone, but it can work very well for some children. If parents have the resources, time and energy to devote to schooling their child outside of a traditional school environment then this option can have a fantastic effect on their child’s learning.
- Children can study in depth the subjects that they find interesting, broadening their education beyond the curriculum.
- Children can forge closer bonds with their parents.
- Children can take part in activities and trips with their parents that will enrich their learning.
- If children are slightly behind their peers, the one-on-one attention can help them to catch up.
- Flexischooling can sometimes be a better option for children who have special needs.
- It can be an advantage for children who have health problems that cause them to miss a lot of school.
- Can be a great way for homeschooled children to smoothly transition into full-time school.
- Children might miss out on the social interaction aspect of school and may be at a disadvantage when making friends. They might feel lonely and isolated.
- Other children might resent the fact that your child gets to leave school for the afternoon and do activities with their parents.
- Parents might not have strong teaching skills or might teach incorrect information.
- Children might not know the complete curriculum for a standardised exam.
- If the child has to go to school full time in the future, they might find it difficult to adjust.