Counting down to 2019 GCSEs

Is your child watching the mounting panic in school as the year above gets ready for their GCSE exams? It may be more than a year before it becomes their reality, but there’s nothing like starting early to make GCSEs less scary.
As a parent you want your kids to do well in their exams, after all, good grades make it easier for them at the next stages of their education and, ultimately, to establishing a satisfying career.
The challenge is getting them to see how starting early is a good way to embed their learning and make the exam much easier. Let’s be honest, for the average 14-15 year old, a year is a very long time, so there’s no rush. Chill, Mum!
So what’s the secret of getting them on the revision track early?
Having worked with families for decades we’ve seen around 400,000 students through a process designed to help them to pass their exams in both Maths and English. It was clear that the heat was on in the lead up to exams – and there were many students out there who had not yet discovered the Exemplar systems. So we put our heads together and came up with the GCSE Maths Revision PowerPack.
Maths revision – made easy
Tackling the revision mountain can be daunting – and there are so many subjects to cover. The PowerPack provides a structured approach where the student can choose one of three approaches – studying the areas they most need help with, studying by topic or working through the entire revision programme from start to finish. The pack includes:- The Smart Diagnostic Tool to assess their current knowledge and create a personal plan
- Targeted lessons for whichever examination board they’ll be sitting. Lessons are structured to establish what the student already knows, then walk them through the content of the lesson, with video tutorials to support this, then they do a test to see how they’ve done on that lesson.
- Tutor support both by email and freephone. This gives students access to get answers to anything that isn’t making sense from qualified teachers.
- Reports to track your child’s progress (and assessments can be done as often as they wish). There are study plan reports identifying which topics have been looked at, started, completed – and need more work. Also a summary report that you can see that chart how many lessons your child has done so far and their performance.