Fun with maths and science

If you follow our Facebook page @exemplareducation you’ll see that we share several great maths and science experiments that are bound to get your child interested.
Here are some great examples to try at home that won’t cost the earth, but will make learning fun.
Fraction museums
If your child has started working with fractions or even if they’re a seasoned pro, fraction museums are a great way of bringing maths to life. They’re also super easy. Things you’ll need:- A tray
- Sets of different coloured items (ten red, ten blue, ten purple, ten yellow – Lego bricks are great, but be creative with counters, buttons, or even clothes pegs)
- Marker pen
- Paper (you can use scrap paper as long as one side is blank)
Crazy sand experiments
We had to share this video with you; it’s amazing and such a fun thing to do with the kids. Craft shops will sell coloured sand. Use a glass bowl or small fish-tank or a clear plastic container. Scotchguard is available from Amazon or fabric shops, as are condiment bottles. It’s the third video in and it is amazing!Baking science and maths
This is a fun and very low cost way of helping your child to learn about science, mixing quantities, and looking at reactions. You’ll need:- White vinegar
- Lemon juice
- Bicarbonate of soda
- Food colouring
- Bowl