Is your child a role model?

Motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Their attitudes and beliefs are what you are around most and you start to think the same way they do. So it’s hardly surprising that Brunel University research says that if you’re the first in your family/group of friends to go to University, you’ll influence those around you.
You become a role model.
It’s related to beliefs. You hear people saying, “I could never do that,” or “people like me don’t …,” although there’s no good reason why not.
Once someone near you has done something it becomes more achievable. So what does your son or daughter inspire others to do?
Imagine if, instead of becoming a car mechanic, your son aspires to be an aeronautical engineer?
What would happen if your daughter decided that instead of leaving school to go straight to work, she chose to get a degree in business studies and start her own business?
How about your games-obsessed son deciding to take it a step further into a degree in computer aided design and games graphics?
The sky is the limit – if your child dares to dream and is prepared to do the work to achieve that dream.