Pocket money rewards

FUN FACT! The term ‘pocket money’ was actually ‘coined’ before the advent of pockets in shirts and trousers. Money was kept in various bags, before a tailor sewed a pocket on a garment and it became so useful that further innovations made a pocket suitable to safely keep money! After that, money kept in pockets came to be known as ‘pocket money’. Now, it is often regarded as a reward for children’s good behaviour.
If you are considering incorporating a pocket money reward system in your home, then this is the blog for you!
Typically, pocket money is paid for each chore that is completed by a child, or given as an agreed amount if ALL their chores are completed! We suggest the first approach, as it gives parents an opportunity to incorporate learning into the pocket money system. For example, why don’t you place a reward price for each chore you want completed? For younger children you could say:
- Tidying your room = £2.00
- Putting dishes away = £1.00
- Tidying your room = £2.76
- Putting dishes away = £1.39
- It can work as a great incentive for children to help you around the house and complete their chores.
- It can help children realise the value of money, as they feel responsibility to help contribute towards their purchases
- It can help children become more responsible in matters of money – preparing them for their future.
- It helps include children in making important decisions around money and expenditure, as well as providing them with a useful sense of purpose and achievement.
- You can save time by not buying small things for your children, as they can save their pocket money and buy things themselves (a win for most parents!)
- Children may come to expect a reward for good behaviour, which is why it’s so important to outline which jobs are expected as part of the family and which are worth a pocket money reward.
- It can potentially make children callous with money and they may spend it on frivolous things, especially if they know that they will be provided with money each week if they complete a set of jobs.
- They may not realise the worth and value of money and without supervision may be more likely to make hasty decisions.
- Researchers from the Royal Economic Society found that the more pocket money kids are given, the more likely they are to spend it all straight away.