Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

Is your family influential at school?
When your child comes home complaining about something that ‘the school’ has done, what do you do? Sometimes it’s just kids complaining about anything that doesn’t fit with what they want. But occasionally there is a valid issue that really needs to be addressed. You don’t want [...]Read more

Sporty kids
Kids have varying responses to their PE and sports lessons. Some love them, others groan and beg for a letter to be excused on the flimsiest of excuses. Why does the school curriculum demand that even the un-sportiest child must take part? There are many reasons why physical [...]Read more

Easy after school snacks for hungry children
The lovely after school meeting in the playground where you ask your child, ‘How was your day?’ can often be met with “I’m starving, what’s for dinner” and “can I have a snack?”. You don’t want them eating empty calories, so we’ve put some tasty and healthy after school snack [...]Read more

New school, new teachers
If your child has started a new school, they’ll be meeting lots of new people. Some of those are children who will become friends, but most importantly, they’ll meet teachers. Teachers can make or break your child’s experience of school. Celebrities often include a favourite [...]Read more

Lifelong learning
When did you last learn something? You don’t stop learning when you leave school, you have to learn new skills when you enter the workplace and when you leave home you learn to do household tasks that you’ve managed to avoid until then. Learning is essential to surviving in [...]Read more

Can you help Cressida?
Cressida Cowell was recently announced as the new Children’s Laureate. Her books include How to Train Your Dragon and The Wizards of Once. She has a ten-point plan for her two-year tenure: Read for the joy of it Access NEW books in schools, libraries and bookshops Have [...]Read more

School uniform shopping top tips
Despite the fact that our children spend more time in their school uniform than anything else, we can still begrudge the expense. Let’s face it, buying yet another pair of white socks isn’t as fun as a cute dress or jumper. But there are ways of bagging some great deals. Cashback [...]Read more

Summer learning
It’s the school holidays and the kids are loving being out of school, long summer days and no lessons! But young brains are curious and if they’re not exercised, boredom kicks in and then you have problems. As a parent it’s time to get sneaky and find fun things to keep the kids [...]Read more

Preparing your child for their last year at primary school
The saying ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ could have been written for a parent with a child about to enter year 6, their last year at primary school. The memories of their first day at school are still fresh, the thought of senior school and all that comes with it is a blur, but [...]Read more

10 tips to help the plastic revolution
If you haven’t noticed that the world has a problem with plastic, you must have been locked away for the past couple of years. From David Attenborough’s shocking revelations about the state of our oceans, to the documentaries showing how plastic is finding its way into our [...]Read more

Summer jobs
If you have a teenager, you may be facing a summer where they disappear into their room with an electronic device, only emerging for meals. Or they’re champing at the bit to be taxied about to friends, sports activities and more. Worse still, activities they want to do [...]Read more

An apple for the teacher
There’s something that you don’t know until your child starts school – teachers get presents at the end of each year and at Christmas. And Reception is the statement year for gifts! As with so many things, from first school parties to first school parents’ events, [...]Read more