Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

All change!
They’re trying to confuse everyone – teachers, students, parents – as if we don’t have enough to worry about. I’m talking about the new grading system for GCSEs. Now numbers are replacing letters so instead of an A* grade being the best possible result a grade 9 replaces that. [...]Read more

7 ways to improve concentration when studying
With an enforced period in hospital just before second year university exams I had 4 weeks to spend revising. I learned a lot about effective studying, which for someone with a low attention span (sound familiar?) was a real godsend. Because I had little else to do I revised for [...]Read more

Education starts at home
It may be easier to say that our children’s education is the responsibility of the teachers – and that’s why we pay taxes – but it’s not how to raise children who love to learn. Look at children in poorer countries like many parts of Africa – going to school is a real privilege [...]Read more

Teaching children to think big
Children start young with big aspirations. They don’t start off seeing any career as a tough nut to crack – they dream big and don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t become anything from an astronaut to a zoologist. As they get older they respond to being told ‘you’ll have to [...]Read more

Can you afford schooling?
Teacher shortages, budget cuts, bigger classes – every news bulletin has another piece of alarming education news. Whether your children’s school is directly affected or not it’s got to be worrying. There were Academies, which were developed to improve things, but now there’s a [...]Read more

Moving house – moving school?
When you move house the challenges go far beyond packing up the whole family’s possessions and then rearranging them in your new home. If you have children it’s not just home that’s moving, it’s their whole life. It might be that you’re moving to somewhere nearby and that means [...]Read more

When the teacher is away …
What happens at your child’s school when a teacher is absent? Hopefully, a suitably qualified replacement will take over, but few schools have a bank of teachers sitting in the staff room waiting to cover absence. At primary level where one teacher may teach several subjects, [...]Read more

Additional time is available for exams
Children with certain difficulties and conditions can apply for additional time to complete exams. If your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, for example, the school can apply for 25% extra time to complete their exam. Clearly it’s not just a case of submitting an [...]Read more

Is your child taking the 11 plus this year?
Although many teachers are unable to provide specialised support for youngsters who want to take the 11 plus, as a parent you can help. The first step is to understand the kind of questions your child will have to answer. Take a look at these samples taken from a typical test* [...]Read more

Where should you live to give your child the best education?
According to the Pisa rankings released at the end of last year the answer is Singapore! The children in Singapore topped the scores in reading, maths and science, while the UK was lagging behind coming 15th in science, a disappointing 22nd in reading and a dreadful 27th in [...]Read more

The art of creativity
If you’re from a certain generation you’ll have heard about Edward De Bono and the concept of lateral thinking. Some people call it creative thinking, some people describe it as right brain activity – but whatever you call it, being able to think creatively is a life skill every [...]Read more