Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

Help your kids get past test nerves
Does your child fall apart when faced with a test or exam? It’s not unusual for kids who perform well in class and get good grades for homework assignments to find nerves wipe their memory clean of all they’ve learned in a test. There’s no magical cure – and you certainly don’t [...]Read more

Exams – how to help your child prepare
The year-end exams may be a little way off, but the earlier you start the preparation the better your child will be able to perform well. Exams are a serious stress zone – not only for the youngster who has to sit the exam, but also for the parents. Every parent wants their [...]Read more

Making the most of technology for revision
Revising for exams can be serious drudge work, even for those students who usually get good grades. But now there are plenty of revision aids online: Take a look at: GetRevising – choose your exam level and use their tools for creating your study plan, finding past papers and [...]Read more

Starting them young
Life seems to move faster and faster, work-life balance is constantly challenging and stress is now something we expect to suffer from on a daily basis – not just a very occasional issue. We look back at our schooldays and wish we could go back to when all we had to do was play [...]Read more

The happiest days of your life
A recent survey of parents revealed that the number one concern they have was their children’s academic performance. They wanted to ensure their children were doing well, achieving good grades and setting themselves up for success in their future careers. All good stuff – but [...]Read more

Is your child good at puzzles?
What’s the point of being good at puzzles? Because they’re often based on maths and it’s a fun way to encourage children to exercise logical reasoning. There’s more to maths than the basics of add, subtract, multiply and divide – when you get to more advanced concepts it’s all [...]Read more

Developing a love of language
Kids invent new words – and new uses for existing words – confusing their parents and older family members. Anyone who has seen Gran’s reaction to their favourite grandchild describing something as ‘sick’ – and their confusion – will know what we’re talking about here. It’s not [...]Read more

How well are your children taught?
There was a time when heaps of marking was the preserve of secondary teachers, but now primary children get homework (as well as class exercise) to mark. Gone are the days when primary teachers could ‘go with the flow’ as long as children were learning. Every lesson has a lesson [...]Read more

A different approach to maths
Do you know how your kids are being taught Maths? There is a growing number of primary schools who have switched to the Mastery Approach to maths teaching. This method is focused on children being taught as a whole class with an interactive approach. It has been established as [...]Read more

This 10-year-old maths genius wants to change the world
Esther Okade, from Walsall in the West Midlands, seems in many ways to be like any other ten year old – she plays dress up, plays with dolls and likes being in the park with her family. On the other hand, she’s also an undergraduate, with plans to take on a PhD by the time [...]Read more

Collaboration or cheating?
In today’s world of social media, What’sApp, Skype and many more means of communication, children tend to be much more collaborative about how they learn. It’s not unusual to find your child online talking to their friends about the current homework assignment and sharing their [...]Read more

Why do kids skip going to school?
Students miss school for a wide range of reasons, but a study by the Johns Hopkins University pinpointed three broad categories. The first category identified is because of circumstances or obligations: Illness is the first and foremost reason for non-attendance, including [...]Read more