Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

Do your children enjoy sums?
Most people have a natural aptitude for either words or numbers – although there are rare beings who are equally good at both! If your child struggles with numbers then they’ll be reluctant to tackle maths homework. That means that you’re going to be cast in the role of the [...]Read more

How’s your relationship with your child?
Whilst children may be young and inexperienced it doesn’t mean they are lesser human beings. A good relationship with your kids is the utopia for most parents, but the kids aren’t always reading the same book as you – and sometimes developing a good relationship seems [...]Read more

Your adult self doesn’t learn the same as when you were a child
Adults often feel like they just can’t learn things as quickly as when you were a child. It seems like whereas information used to be soaked up like a sponge, it takes a lot longer to learn new things later in life. Are adults just not as good at learning as children, or do they [...]Read more

Homework – yes or no?
Homework often creates a family battleground. You want them to do it – before they do everything else; they want to do it when it’s nearly bedtime (or not at all); but does it really make a difference? If you’re a diligent parent you’ll know how hard kids can struggle when they [...]Read more

The many faces of a bully
Bullying is no longer confined to the classroom or playground. It can happen anywhere – in or out of school – at any location. It can take place face to face, in a text message, during a phone call or in cyberspace. These types of abuse may have a single label but the catch-all [...]Read more

Planning for your child’s future education
Keeping up with the annual new school uniform hits your bank account right after the summer holiday has already made a serious dent. The rate at which kids grow can seem to generate endless shopping trips for bigger sizes. Shoes that only seem to have been worn for a few weeks [...]Read more

The Pros and Cons of home education
When it comes to the education of your child, there are a lot of factors to consider and decisions to be made. You might be considering a different option than the traditional style of education – such as educating your child on your own at home. Home education can be a [...]Read more

How good is your relationship with your child?
Whilst children may be young and inexperienced it doesn’t mean they are lesser human beings. A good relationship with your kids is the utopia for most parents, but the kids aren’t always reading the same book as you – and sometimes developing a good relationship seems [...]Read more

How have Parent-Teacher relationships changed?
The importance of strong parent/teacher relationships A strong relationship between parent and teacher is essential to the success of a child’s education. It has always been an influential factor in a good education, although the parent/teacher relationship has changed over time. [...]Read more

What is flexischooling?
Flexischooling is a unique arrangement between the parent and the school in which children are registered at school normally yet only attend part time. The rest of the time the child will be home educated. There is no curriculum that parents must follow when they are educating [...]Read more

Is school fun?
Do your kids find school fun? Are they having fun – or being naughty? This may sometimes appear to be a very fine line – that can be interpreted by parents and teachers differently – but shouldn’t school be fun? A Times Educational Supplement survey reports the top 100 things [...]Read more

How tonight’s dinner can boost your child’s exam chances
Many parents wonder what they can do to help their children cope with the stresses of exam time and improve their chances in succeeding. While exams may seem to be a long way off, and maintaining a healthy balance between study and relaxation is important, diet can also [...]Read more