Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

I hear and I forget …
I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. This quote is popularly attributed to Confucius, but there is some discussion about whether or not he is the correct source. Whoever said it, it’s a truth when it comes to learning (and applies as much to adults [...]Read more

Easter crafts
Easter is the perfect time for crafts and even better if you’re not naturally crafty, with most crafts being focused around fluffy things you can buy in the shops. Here are our favourites. Bunny cards These are super cute and simple to make. You’ll need White card Coloured card [...]Read more

The promises we make
It’s nearly Easter and it seems like a long time since our New Year’s resolutions were made. Have I lost the extra weight? Have I phoned my parents more often? Have I managed to tidy up my papers? Have I spent more time with my daughter? Have I started going to the gym? [...]Read more

Exploring vocabulary
The English language is full of colour, with many different ways of saying virtually the same thing. Does that mean you should encourage your children to study the dictionary and become familiar with the meanings of even the most obscure words? No! Good grammar, reasonable [...]Read more

Confidence building for kids
There’s so much pressure for kids to be confident – in school, with their friends and online. With children as young as five having their own YouTube channels (managed by their parents of course), to schools putting on productions or even standing up in class as part of a [...]Read more

Pupil Power
Various groups have been banging on about climate change for decades and some steps have been taken by the government to try to alleviate the effect human beings are having on the planet. However, now the kids are getting involved it’s making the front pages. On 15th February [...]Read more

How to learn times tables
Times tables are the basis for very many maths skills. From fractions to division to decimals and many more in between – if you know your times tables, you can master them all. But what’s the best way to learn them? Here are our tips: Repetition Children learn through [...]Read more

The race to University
There’s always something in the press about students getting into universities. Schools measure their success by exam results and university offers, so the more of their students that get a place at university, the better. But there’s more to getting into yourRead more

Inspiration for home learning projects
Oh, the joy of that letter in the school bag – the home learning project! Your palms start to sweat just a little as your child tells you all about the elaborate boat they want to make, model of the Titanic, Roman shield or volcano cake. But worry not, there’s a heap of [...]Read more

Party on!
Even The Simpsons did an episode about the astonishing costs of children’s birthday parties, with Homer running around town ruining each party in a bid to bring things back down to just having a few friends round with a cake. As parents, we know the pressure to keep up with the [...]Read more

English like what she is spoke!
With so many people of all ages using their mobile phones to communicate, it’s easy to lose the gentle art of good English. Txt spk rules! But that’s not an excuse to skim over English language homework. Most employers will expect potential recruits to be competent in English [...]Read more

Teach your teens entrepreneurship
Schools provide the essential academic learning that equips kids to achieve a satisfying role in life. But few schools have the time or resources to teach life skills. There simply isn’t space in the curriculum and so, although teachers do their best to impart practical advice, [...]Read more