Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

Halloween baking
Some people think the smells of Halloween can be better than Christmas. Cinnamon, nutmeg and pumpkin mixed with chocolate and marshmallows – yummmmm! Here are our favourite Halloween bakes Easy cakes for non-bakers Most supermarkets sell trays of fairy cakes, perfectly baked that [...]Read more

Qualifications count
More and more teenagers are heading for University. That means that there are more people with degrees entering the job market. The result is that an increasing number of employers are looking for qualifications, even for lower level positions. Graduates earn, on average, 48% [...]Read more

Autumn crafts
The nights are drawing in and the weather is starting to finally feel a little chilly. Autumn is in the air and it’s time to dig out the PVA, sticky-backed plastic and card and get crafting. Leaf lions The changing colours of the leaves make them perfect for creating leaf lions. [...]Read more

Early years learning
A lot of today’s children attend nursery school, whether it’s full-time to allow both parents to work or part-time just to help them to socialise. But is nursery school meant to be ‘school’? Should a nursery or play group be responsible for learning or just keeping the children [...]Read more

Competition v Failure
Ask any business person and they’ll tell you that competition is healthy. However, in the education world there have been a couple of decades where conflicting messages have been propagated. Some schools almost stopped sports days because they didn’t want to have winners and [...]Read more

Time to choose a career?
The child who has a clear view of their career path from an early age is rare. Most kids don’t know what they want to do when they finish education, so how do they make the right decisions for their future? Part of the problem is that you don’t know what you don’t know. As […]Read more

Teach your kids to dream
During the summer, in the midst of A level result fever, Stormzy announced he would be funding two places at Cambridge University for black students. The rapper wants to inspire smart black students to dream big and not to let the reputation of top notch universities intimidate [...]Read more

Learning to ride a bike
A recent study has found that over a third of primary-age children cannot ride a bike! A worrying statistic, but with the summer here there’s no better time to grab a bike and get out there. Before we go into our tips for learning to ride, we know bikes are an expensive [...]Read more

Healthy, no-sugar baking
We all know sugar isn’t the best thing to include in our diets, but we also like to bake for our family and most children do love a slice of cake. We’ve put together a great no-sugar bake which passes the taste test, but lessens the sugar guilt. This is one recipe, but the [...]Read more

Fun activities to do for free
Days out with the kids can be expensive. But there’s also a heap of things you can do at home or away, for free. Here are some ideas. Build a den There are so many ways you can build a den, from draping a sheet over the top of a couple of dining chairs to […]Read more

Keep moving
Woo-hoo it’s the holidays, no more alarm and no more school run. But, if you’re used to walking, scooting or cycling to school, you can find there’s a large activity hole left to fill in your day. Children need an hour of vigorous exercise every day, ideally more, so how do you [...]Read more

Don’t lose the learning habit
Hooray, it’s the holidays, no more school. Children are celebrating not having to sit in the classroom all day. Without the routine of school, who wants to do schoolwork? You might prefer to give your child a total break, but, six weeks is a long time and getting back into the [...]Read more