Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

How was your day?
As any parent with school-aged children will tell you, when they ask their child what they did all day at school the usual response is often, ‘Nothing’, ‘I can’t remember’ or ‘Stuff’. This can leave you feeling frustrated and a little concerned, have they really done nothing ALL [...]Read more

University: living on campus or commute?
With university tuition cost at an all-time high, more and more students are looking to commute to University rather than paying out to stay in halls or renting a room. But how do you manage the daily commute, living at home and ensuring you still get the University experience? [...]Read more

Maths in action
Maths is a tricky subject. Ask most parents and they will say that they are either good or bad at maths. There’s rarely an in-between and it’s an opinion that can be hugely damaging to children’s own views of their maths capabilities. Schools are now starting to recognise this [...]Read more

Mobile phones and your child
When we speak about keeping your child safe it’s usually followed by online. But, keeping them safe covers far more than just online safety, particularly when it comes to smart phones. WhatsApp WhatsApp can seem like a great and free way for your child to communicate with their [...]Read more

Counting down to 2019 GCSEs
Is your child watching the mounting panic in school as the year above gets ready for their GCSE exams? It may be more than a year before it becomes their reality, but there’s nothing like starting early to make GCSEs less scary. As a parent you want your kids to do well in their [...]Read more

Tablet use
Tablets are pretty much a standard part of parenting life. Nearly every mummy blog will mention the electronic babysitting devices; they’re a permanent fixture on many restaurant tables and can be an endless battle at home. So how much screen time is too much and how do you make [...]Read more

Next stop GCSEs!
If your child is taking GCSEs this year, the panic is likely to be taking hold. Let’s be honest – even the most diligent of students get nerves at the thought of taking these critical exams. With the Easter holidays the last stop before the exams it’s a great time to sit down [...]Read more

“Who’s your friend?”
In primary school, getting to know your child’s friends and their parents is easy. Most children will stay with their class the whole way through and you’ll form friendships with the mums in the playground, on school trips and through the endless birthday parties and school [...]Read more

Easter baking
Easter is a great time to get the kids in the kitchen and bake some tasty treats to last through the holidays and to create gifts for friends and relatives over the Easter period. Nest cakes An oldie but a goodie. Nest cakes are super simple to make even for little hands. You’ll [...]Read more

Great meals that keep you warm – and healthy
When it’s cold outside it can be hard to keep things healthy. Let’s face it, a cold salad on a wet and cold day isn’t that appealing to frozen little fingers just in from school. But there are ways to make sure the kids still get their veggie and fruit fix in snack and meal [...]Read more

Keeping Facebook safe for parents
As parents we’re constantly being told we need to monitor our children’s movements online, their social channels, who they’re talking to and to watch for bullying. But, as parents, there’s no one doing the same for us? How do we know what we shouldn’t be doing online? We’ve put [...]Read more

Half-term fun that doesn’t cost the earth
When school closes for a week, things can get expensive. From paying for childcare to keeping them entertained, it can be a huge drain on the bank account. We’ve come up with a few tips to keep the pennies in the purse and make things a little easier. Free activities Not all [...]Read more