Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

Half-term cheap breaks
Holidays are expensive in the summer, but the half-term break can offer cheaper options than the main school holidays. As long as you’re prepared for the weather, you can still have a great break at a fraction of the cost. Do your research If you want to take the kids to a theme [...]Read more

Teach your teen sensible snacking
It’s safe to say that almost anything we buy ready-made contains sugar. It can feel like an uphill struggle trying to limit sugar in both our and our kids’ diets, especially with the great British sweet-tooth. The trend for dessert bars as a ‘healthy’ alternative to chocolate [...]Read more

The carrot and the stick
Every child needs to know their boundaries – and each child is different – what works for one child may not work for others. Some children only need asking once, others have to be nagged into submission! The child psychologists recommend that you focus on the positive so that [...]Read more

Family fitness
As a rule, active parents make for active kids. If you’re a naturally outdoorsy parent who loves being outside, the chances are your kids will also enjoy it too. Being outside and having family time together will usually involve leaving the house and venturing into the great [...]Read more

That magic little word – Routine
From the moment you discovered you were going to be a parent, the word routine started to sneak into conversations about your child. Friends and family were full of advice and statements like: ‘Make sure you get the baby into a routine or they’ll never sleep properly’ And ‘You [...]Read more

Secondary stress
Secondary school is a huge jump for children. The pressures on them from all angles, not just in the classroom, but at home, in clubs and with friends are different now and at first can seem enormous. As a parent, how do you spot the signs that something’s wrong and that the [...]Read more

Get ready for the 11-Plus …
Ideally, you should start preparing your child around a year ahead. So if your 9-year old will take 11-Plus in January 2019, it’s now a great time to start helping them to develop the skills needed to take their exam with confidence. It’s time to start your plan. For English [...]Read more

The 12 days of Christmas – for parents
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me: A partridge with planting instructions for a sapling pear tree. How sweet and what a lovely idea. On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Two turtle doves and a instructions to build a dovecote. Hmmm, I wonder [...]Read more

Creative baking – with a difference
If you follow our blog you may have seen our recipe for salt dough ornaments. If not, be sure to check it out, it’s a great Christmas activity to do with the children. This blog is also about baking, with a pinch of Maths and English for good measure. Write a story and bake [...]Read more

Internet safety for your family
You may see it as a blessing or a curse, but the internet now dominates pretty much everything we do. Need an answer to a question, Google it. Want to know what’s on at the weekend, check Facebook Want to follow the latest TV show, check Instagram. We now live in an instant [...]Read more

Do your kids get pocket money?
A controversial topic if ever there was one; how much do you give, do you give it at all and what do you give it for? One thing’s for sure, there’s no right or wrong answer; it’s what you choose to do as a family. If it’s a bit of a dilemma in your family, […]Read more

Time to mention the ‘C’ word!
Okay, it’s November so we can officially mention Christmas (though crackers and cards seem to have been in the shops since September). Now it’s time to get out your sticky-backed plastic, toilet rolls and glitter – it’s Christmas craft time! Kids love an excuse to get messy. So [...]Read more