Articles posted by "SteveExemplarAdmin"

Once upon a rock
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard mumblings from your children or excited parents in the playground about the painted rock craze. Am I serious? Absolutely – it all started in America with children painting rocks and hiding them for others to find or keep. [...]Read more

The bedtime battle
Children go through many cycles with sleep, from being babies who are a ‘good sleeper’ or ‘difficult sleeper’, to toddlers who usually wake early, through to teens who you can’t get out of bed for love nor money. But how much sleep is enough and how do you get a difficult [...]Read more

Choose the right clubs for your kids
Gone are the days when the only option for after school clubs were sports or scouts and guides. Now there’s a club for everything from Art to Zumba. There are free clubs, members only clubs, school-run clubs and sign-your-life-away clubs. So how many is too many or not enough? [...]Read more

Get your kids fit for learning
Now the nights are starting to draw in, children are getting less and less time to play outside after school. This, coupled with the draw of the tablet or games console, can mean that children are becoming less and less active. However, an active body makes for a more attentive [...]Read more

Make homework fun!
Love it or hate it, homework is an inevitable part of school life. If you’re in the privileged position to have a child who likes doing homework it can be a great bonding opportunity and wonderful one-on-one time. However, if your child is less than happy to knuckle down and [...]Read more

Is your child missing essential life skills?
Critical thinking is often a phrase bounced around the broadsheets and education supplements. Every publication has a for or against argument (sometimes both) around the controversial replacement to what used to be called ‘general studies’. However, the funding which schools [...]Read more

Facebook and your child’s school
With billions of users, Facebook is a huge part of society and more recently, it’s also become a huge part of school life, in more ways than one. The PTA Most schools will now have a private Facebook group purely for parents and teachers at the school. This is often run by the [...]Read more

Don’t raid the stationery store!
Each school has their own requirements for what your child will and won’t need to bring. Finding this out before your child starts school can save you a lot of money and also take away a lot of stress. Stationery Yes, all the rows of beautiful pencil cases and matching [...]Read more

Starting a new school
There’s no denying that your child’s first days of school will be some of the most memorable for both you and your child. It’s normal for you to have some anxiety about how they’ll cope, but don’t underestimate how you’ll feel as a parent. Be prepared It sounds simple, but being [...]Read more

Secondary uniform costs
This is the second of two articles about getting your kids ready for school on a budget. Secondary uniform costs can reach into the middle hundreds with the addition of specific sports kits, stationery, extra shoes and school branded skirts, blazers and jumpers. You might think [...]Read more

Uniforms – without breaking the bank
This is the first of two articles on helping you to make the budget stretch further to kit out your kids for school. There’s no way around it, school uniform is expensive. It’s not just the traditional dress/trousers/skirts and polo shirts; it’s also the cardigans and jumpers [...]Read more

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll have noticed the current school craze for all things slime. While the very thought of slime for most parents makes them shudder and thoughts of mess, sticky carpets and glitter explosions is enough to put anyone off it can be an [...]Read more