Activities for kids

Conker snails
Conkers are a great craft resource, they’re also free! There’s so much you can use them for and conker snails are fun to make and much safer for smaller children than swinging a hard item on a string around! It’s a great way to spend time with your kids doing something creative. [...]Read more

Learning to ride a bike
A recent study has found that over a third of primary-age children cannot ride a bike! A worrying statistic, but with the summer here there’s no better time to grab a bike and get out there. Before we go into our tips for learning to ride, we know bikes are an expensive [...]Read more

Healthy, no-sugar baking
We all know sugar isn’t the best thing to include in our diets, but we also like to bake for our family and most children do love a slice of cake. We’ve put together a great no-sugar bake which passes the taste test, but lessens the sugar guilt. This is one recipe, but the [...]Read more

Fun activities to do for free
Days out with the kids can be expensive. But there’s also a heap of things you can do at home or away, for free. Here are some ideas. Build a den There are so many ways you can build a den, from draping a sheet over the top of a couple of dining chairs to […]Read more

Keep moving
Woo-hoo it’s the holidays, no more alarm and no more school run. But, if you’re used to walking, scooting or cycling to school, you can find there’s a large activity hole left to fill in your day. Children need an hour of vigorous exercise every day, ideally more, so how do you [...]Read more

Half-term fun that doesn’t cost the earth
When school closes for a week, things can get expensive. From paying for childcare to keeping them entertained, it can be a huge drain on the bank account. We’ve come up with a few tips to keep the pennies in the purse and make things a little easier. Free activities Not all [...]Read more

Family fitness
As a rule, active parents make for active kids. If you’re a naturally outdoorsy parent who loves being outside, the chances are your kids will also enjoy it too. Being outside and having family time together will usually involve leaving the house and venturing into the great [...]Read more

Creative baking – with a difference
If you follow our blog you may have seen our recipe for salt dough ornaments. If not, be sure to check it out, it’s a great Christmas activity to do with the children. This blog is also about baking, with a pinch of Maths and English for good measure. Write a story and bake [...]Read more

Time to mention the ‘C’ word!
Okay, it’s November so we can officially mention Christmas (though crackers and cards seem to have been in the shops since September). Now it’s time to get out your sticky-backed plastic, toilet rolls and glitter – it’s Christmas craft time! Kids love an excuse to get messy. So [...]Read more

Once upon a rock
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard mumblings from your children or excited parents in the playground about the painted rock craze. Am I serious? Absolutely – it all started in America with children painting rocks and hiding them for others to find or keep. [...]Read more

Choose the right clubs for your kids
Gone are the days when the only option for after school clubs were sports or scouts and guides. Now there’s a club for everything from Art to Zumba. There are free clubs, members only clubs, school-run clubs and sign-your-life-away clubs. So how many is too many or not enough? [...]Read more

Get your kids fit for learning
Now the nights are starting to draw in, children are getting less and less time to play outside after school. This, coupled with the draw of the tablet or games console, can mean that children are becoming less and less active. However, an active body makes for a more attentive [...]Read more