Activities for kids

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll have noticed the current school craze for all things slime. While the very thought of slime for most parents makes them shudder and thoughts of mess, sticky carpets and glitter explosions is enough to put anyone off it can be an [...]Read more

The reading challenge
If your child is in primary or junior school chances are they’ve been set some form of reading challenge. While schools try hard to sell the reading challenge as fun and different, let’s be honest, most children just want to spend time with their friends playing in the garden or [...]Read more

10 low cost and fun holiday activities
If you are looking at six weeks of trying to think of things to do with the kids during the summer break, here are ten ideas A daily dance session: if your family like music, dial up the most upbeat music you can find and get the whole family dancing. A 15-minute boogie session [...]Read more

School holidays – arghh!
The holidays are coming – six whole weeks of 24/7 family time. If that fills you with dread, then here are some ideas to help you to feel as though you’re in control when the kids aren’t being hustled out of the door first thing in the morning. If you’re both working, the summer [...]Read more