
Easy after school snacks for hungry children
The lovely after school meeting in the playground where you ask your child, ‘How was your day?’ can often be met with “I’m starving, what’s for dinner” and “can I have a snack?”. You don’t want them eating empty calories, so we’ve put some tasty and healthy after school snack [...]Read more

Healthy spring salads
With the weather warming up, the comfort foods of winter can be replaced by healthy summer salads. But this doesn’t mean you have to stick to lettuce, tomato and cucumber. Peach salad Peaches are a great way to sweeten a salad. Use a mix of leaves, nuts, seeds and then griddle [...]Read more

Healthy spring recipes
With the weather finally starting to warm up and lots of lovely Spring veg on the way, now’s the time to ditch the heavy meals of Winter and go for something lighter. Veggie spring rolls These are a great fun and easy treatRead more

To eat or not to eat?
Have you got a fussy eater in the family or are you all serious foodies? The festive season has a strong focus on food, whether it’s how soon you can start baking mince pies, who does and doesn’t like rich fruit cake or how many people the turkey has to feed. Inevitably there [...]Read more

Halloween baking
Some people think the smells of Halloween can be better than Christmas. Cinnamon, nutmeg and pumpkin mixed with chocolate and marshmallows – yummmmm! Here are our favourite Halloween bakes Easy cakes for non-bakers Most supermarkets sell trays of fairy cakes, perfectly baked that [...]Read more

Easy and healthy summer meals
The sun is trying to shine and the warmer weather makes eating healthier that little bit easier. There’s more selection in the supermarkets, kid-friendly fruit and veg are in season and you’re less inclined to reach for the warm comfort food. Here are three great, healthy, fruit [...]Read more

Easter baking
Easter is a great time to get the kids in the kitchen and bake some tasty treats to last through the holidays and to create gifts for friends and relatives over the Easter period. Nest cakes An oldie but a goodie. Nest cakes are super simple to make even for little hands. You’ll [...]Read more

Great meals that keep you warm – and healthy
When it’s cold outside it can be hard to keep things healthy. Let’s face it, a cold salad on a wet and cold day isn’t that appealing to frozen little fingers just in from school. But there are ways to make sure the kids still get their veggie and fruit fix in snack and meal [...]Read more

Teach your teen sensible snacking
It’s safe to say that almost anything we buy ready-made contains sugar. It can feel like an uphill struggle trying to limit sugar in both our and our kids’ diets, especially with the great British sweet-tooth. The trend for dessert bars as a ‘healthy’ alternative to chocolate [...]Read more

Creative baking – with a difference
If you follow our blog you may have seen our recipe for salt dough ornaments. If not, be sure to check it out, it’s a great Christmas activity to do with the children. This blog is also about baking, with a pinch of Maths and English for good measure. Write a story and bake [...]Read more

Summer brings salads
Everyone has heard of the ‘5-a-day’ rule (although the truth is it should be nearer 9-a-day), but have you ever tried convincing a teenager that pizza is not a vegetable and that salads are really yummy? Of course, there are a few teenagers that love salads – and if you eat a [...]Read more