
Online safety
With the rise of smartphones, tablets and other devices plus online gaming and interactive TV, helping children be safe online is an issue that most parents now have to consider, as well as the dilemma of how much screen time they should be allowed This can be tricky if you [...]Read more

Screen time for children
As a parent, how much ‘screen time’ your children should be exposed to is something that is always a consideration – in a world where TVs, phones, laptops and iPads are common in most homes. So what’s the official advice? The World Health Organisation says that 3 – 4 year olds [...]Read more

Tablet use
Tablets are pretty much a standard part of parenting life. Nearly every mummy blog will mention the electronic babysitting devices; they’re a permanent fixture on many restaurant tables and can be an endless battle at home. So how much screen time is too much and how do you make [...]Read more

Internet safety for your family
You may see it as a blessing or a curse, but the internet now dominates pretty much everything we do. Need an answer to a question, Google it. Want to know what’s on at the weekend, check Facebook Want to follow the latest TV show, check Instagram. We now live in an instant [...]Read more