
Learning with Autism
What is autism? TheNational Autistic Societydefines autism as; “A lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. Autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. If you are autistic, you are autistic [...]Read more

Keeping learning going at Christmas!
We’re heading towards the Christmas season, which means lots of fun and festivities – and a lot to look forward to for the kids, including the school holidays! However, it can also be tricky to keep the learning momentum going when there’s so much else going on so [...]Read more

Benefits and Challenges of Home-Schooling
Have you ever considered home-schooling your children? If this is something you’re thinking about, this blog will look at the challenges and benefits of home-schooling. It will also show how Exemplar Education can be the perfect partner in helping keep you confident that you’re [...]Read more

Self-paced learning
Exemplar Education is all about self-paced learning – allowing the parents and children on our programme to set their own study plan! What is self-paced learning? Self-paced learning is defined as ‘a specific learning method, in which the learner is able to control [...]Read more

Lifelong learning
When did you last learn something? You don’t stop learning when you leave school, you have to learn new skills when you enter the workplace and when you leave home you learn to do household tasks that you’ve managed to avoid until then. Learning is essential to surviving in [...]Read more

Can you help Cressida?
Cressida Cowell was recently announced as the new Children’s Laureate. Her books include How to Train Your Dragon and The Wizards of Once. She has a ten-point plan for her two-year tenure: Read for the joy of it Access NEW books in schools, libraries and bookshops Have [...]Read more

Story time
If you were read to as a child, the chances are that you’ll remember it. The feeling of being tucked up in bed listening to your favourite book being read to you, with funny voices and maybe even actions. Story time is so important and really helps with your child’s [...]Read more

I hear and I forget …
I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. This quote is popularly attributed to Confucius, but there is some discussion about whether or not he is the correct source. Whoever said it, it’s a truth when it comes to learning (and applies as much to adults [...]Read more

Confidence building for kids
There’s so much pressure for kids to be confident – in school, with their friends and online. With children as young as five having their own YouTube channels (managed by their parents of course), to schools putting on productions or even standing up in class as part of a [...]Read more

Technology: learning aid or hinderance?
Notebooks, tablets and smart phones are all part of our everyday life. If your children are pre-school, they probably haven’t ever lived in an environment that is technology free. So, are these amazing pieces of kit a good thing? On the plus side, kids need to be able to use [...]Read more

Early years learning
A lot of today’s children attend nursery school, whether it’s full-time to allow both parents to work or part-time just to help them to socialise. But is nursery school meant to be ‘school’? Should a nursery or play group be responsible for learning or just keeping the children [...]Read more

Competition v Failure
Ask any business person and they’ll tell you that competition is healthy. However, in the education world there have been a couple of decades where conflicting messages have been propagated. Some schools almost stopped sports days because they didn’t want to have winners and [...]Read more