Learning tools

Do your kids get pocket money?
A controversial topic if ever there was one; how much do you give, do you give it at all and what do you give it for? One thing’s for sure, there’s no right or wrong answer; it’s what you choose to do as a family. If it’s a bit of a dilemma in your family, […]Read more

5 creative ways to digital learning
It’s not surprising in today’s digital age that recent studies of how children learn today has revealed that they are becoming more and more attuned to digital devices in their learning and from an ever younger age. The University of London research has established that where [...]Read more

Making the most of technology for revision
Revising for exams can be serious drudge work, even for those students who usually get good grades. But now there are plenty of revision aids online: Take a look at: GetRevising – choose your exam level and use their tools for creating your study plan, finding past papers and [...]Read more

Collaboration or cheating?
In today’s world of social media, What’sApp, Skype and many more means of communication, children tend to be much more collaborative about how they learn. It’s not unusual to find your child online talking to their friends about the current homework assignment and sharing their [...]Read more

Do your children enjoy sums?
Most people have a natural aptitude for either words or numbers – although there are rare beings who are equally good at both! If your child struggles with numbers then they’ll be reluctant to tackle maths homework. That means that you’re going to be cast in the role of the [...]Read more

Your adult self doesn’t learn the same as when you were a child
Adults often feel like they just can’t learn things as quickly as when you were a child. It seems like whereas information used to be soaked up like a sponge, it takes a lot longer to learn new things later in life. Are adults just not as good at learning as children, or do they [...]Read more

Homework – yes or no?
Homework often creates a family battleground. You want them to do it – before they do everything else; they want to do it when it’s nearly bedtime (or not at all); but does it really make a difference? If you’re a diligent parent you’ll know how hard kids can struggle when they [...]Read more

What is flexischooling?
Flexischooling is a unique arrangement between the parent and the school in which children are registered at school normally yet only attend part time. The rest of the time the child will be home educated. There is no curriculum that parents must follow when they are educating [...]Read more

Climbing trees and kicking a football lead to better grades!
Do you think physical activity is unrelated to academic performance? Although we may not associate sports and physical activity with intellectual achievement, research shows that kids – as well as adults – who are physically active do, on average, outperform those who are less [...]Read more

Mega-study strategies
Exams are gone and there’s a break now before the results come in and there’s either euphoria or gloom to deal with. The holidays are ahead and social media no longer competes for attention with homework and revision, it’s got free rein. However, it’s a great time to get the [...]Read more

Top 5 reasons to choose elearning over traditional methods
Elearning systems, like those offered by ExemplarEducation, offer advantages over traditional schooling methods in many circumstances. These benefits give students, parents, and teachers an edge in a world that often is too fast-paced or not sensitive to individual students’ [...]Read more

How does your child prefer to learn?
Are you wondering what the best way is to help your child learn? It might depend on his or her learning style. The Honey & Mumford learning styles, developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, categorize people into four learning groups that are supposed to be reflective of [...]Read more