
Don’t lose the learning habit
Hooray, it’s the holidays, no more school. Children are celebrating not having to sit in the classroom all day. Without the routine of school, who wants to do schoolwork? You might prefer to give your child a total break, but, six weeks is a long time and getting back into the [...]Read more

Ready for a reading challenge?
To encourage children to read more frequently, many schools are setting children reading challenges. This offers children the chance to win a prize if they manage to read every day for a month and have their sheet signed by their parent or carer. If your school hasn’t [...]Read more

How was your day?
As any parent with school-aged children will tell you, when they ask their child what they did all day at school the usual response is often, ‘Nothing’, ‘I can’t remember’ or ‘Stuff’. This can leave you feeling frustrated and a little concerned, have they really done nothing ALL [...]Read more

Get ready for the 11-Plus …
Ideally, you should start preparing your child around a year ahead. So if your 9-year old will take 11-Plus in January 2019, it’s now a great time to start helping them to develop the skills needed to take their exam with confidence. It’s time to start your plan. For English [...]Read more

The bedtime battle
Children go through many cycles with sleep, from being babies who are a ‘good sleeper’ or ‘difficult sleeper’, to toddlers who usually wake early, through to teens who you can’t get out of bed for love nor money. But how much sleep is enough and how do you get a difficult [...]Read more

Make homework fun!
Love it or hate it, homework is an inevitable part of school life. If you’re in the privileged position to have a child who likes doing homework it can be a great bonding opportunity and wonderful one-on-one time. However, if your child is less than happy to knuckle down and [...]Read more

Is your child missing essential life skills?
Critical thinking is often a phrase bounced around the broadsheets and education supplements. Every publication has a for or against argument (sometimes both) around the controversial replacement to what used to be called ‘general studies’. However, the funding which schools [...]Read more

Green fingers!
With the Chelsea Flower Show fresh in our memories, it’s a good time to talk about teaching young people about gardening. Some schools have a school garden and sessions where the children are involved in planting and growing a variety of plants. However, gardening doesn’t seem [...]Read more

Going dotty – Introducing Braille
A guide dog can help a visually impaired person to find their way and get around town and at home, but they cannot read for them. That’s where Braille comes in. Braille is a way of writing any language in a way that visually impaired people can read. Each braille character is [...]Read more