
Maths and Decluttering
This blog explores how you can encourage mathematical development whilst your child carries out household chores. We all know sometimes it can be much easier and faster to just do it ourselves. But it’s important for children to understand basic life skills, learn to be [...]Read more

How to learn times tables
Times tables are the basis for very many maths skills. From fractions to division to decimals and many more in between – if you know your times tables, you can master them all. But what’s the best way to learn them? Here are our tips: Repetition Children learn through [...]Read more

Is today’s maths a mystery?
To quote Mr Incredible from Incredibles 2, Math is Math, but I’m pretty sure any parents with kids currently at school will tell you, Maths isn’t what it used to be and the way we were taught is a far cry from the grid method. Here are our tips on how to swot up and […]Read more

Fun with maths and science
If you follow our Facebook page @exemplareducation you’ll see that we share several great maths and science experiments that are bound to get your child interested. Here are some great examples to try at home that won’t cost the earth, but will make learning fun. Fraction museums [...]Read more

Entrepreneurial kids!
Kidpreneurs have been dominating the headlines, with the usual ‘30 under 30’ lists for entrepreneurs now being dropped to the top ‘18 under 18’ to accommodate the ever-growing number of childhood business stars. Shows like Pocket Money Pitch have inspired a younger generation who [...]Read more

Maths in action
Maths is a tricky subject. Ask most parents and they will say that they are either good or bad at maths. There’s rarely an in-between and it’s an opinion that can be hugely damaging to children’s own views of their maths capabilities. Schools are now starting to recognise this [...]Read more

Is your child good at puzzles?
What’s the point of being good at puzzles? Because they’re often based on maths and it’s a fun way to encourage children to exercise logical reasoning. There’s more to maths than the basics of add, subtract, multiply and divide – when you get to more advanced concepts it’s all [...]Read more

A different approach to maths
Do you know how your kids are being taught Maths? There is a growing number of primary schools who have switched to the Mastery Approach to maths teaching. This method is focused on children being taught as a whole class with an interactive approach. It has been established as [...]Read more

Who is better at Maths? Boys or Girls?
Here’s an old chestnut: boys are better at mathematics than girls. We have probably all heard it repeated a hundred times. Fortunately, it’s just plain wrong and statistics prove it. The Myth: Scientists have spent decades researching whether a mathematical ability is because of [...]Read more