Parent skills

Pocket money rewards
FUN FACT! The term ‘pocket money’ was actually ‘coined’ before the advent of pockets in shirts and trousers. Money was kept in various bags, before a tailor sewed a pocket on a garment and it became so useful that further innovations made a pocket suitable to safely keep money! [...]Read more

Benefits and Challenges of Home-Schooling
Have you ever considered home-schooling your children? If this is something you’re thinking about, this blog will look at the challenges and benefits of home-schooling. It will also show how Exemplar Education can be the perfect partner in helping keep you confident that you’re [...]Read more

Self-paced learning
Exemplar Education is all about self-paced learning – allowing the parents and children on our programme to set their own study plan! What is self-paced learning? Self-paced learning is defined as ‘a specific learning method, in which the learner is able to control [...]Read more

Online safety
With the rise of smartphones, tablets and other devices plus online gaming and interactive TV, helping children be safe online is an issue that most parents now have to consider, as well as the dilemma of how much screen time they should be allowed This can be tricky if you [...]Read more

Finding motivation
Part 2 (Here’s part 1) In part 1 of this blog I described how I could relate to Dori and her short–term focus in my daily struggles and how I overcome them. But I also relate to Nemo’s dad sometimes, too. That’s when I set my long-term goals and I must keep my mind [...]Read more

Finding Motivation
Part 1 It turns out that both Finding Nemo and Finding Dori are great ways of understanding motivation. Both animated films by Pixar demonstrate how we deal with our life goals. Sometimes we have to be more like Dori just trying for the next step. Sometimes we have to be like [...]Read more

The promises we make
It’s nearly Easter and it seems like a long time since our New Year’s resolutions were made. Have I lost the extra weight? Have I phoned my parents more often? Have I managed to tidy up my papers? Have I spent more time with my daughter? Have I started going to the gym? [...]Read more

Teach your kids to dream
During the summer, in the midst of A level result fever, Stormzy announced he would be funding two places at Cambridge University for black students. The rapper wants to inspire smart black students to dream big and not to let the reputation of top notch universities intimidate [...]Read more

The balance of perfection
Spend a few minutes trawling Instagram or Facebook and we’re pretty sure you’ll come across several #soblessed #perfectfamily or #makingmemories posts, all creating a picture-perfect existence of family life. However, look a little deeper, meet the people in the photos and we’re [...]Read more

The carrot and the stick
Every child needs to know their boundaries – and each child is different – what works for one child may not work for others. Some children only need asking once, others have to be nagged into submission! The child psychologists recommend that you focus on the positive so that [...]Read more

That magic little word – Routine
From the moment you discovered you were going to be a parent, the word routine started to sneak into conversations about your child. Friends and family were full of advice and statements like: ‘Make sure you get the baby into a routine or they’ll never sleep properly’ And ‘You [...]Read more

Secondary stress
Secondary school is a huge jump for children. The pressures on them from all angles, not just in the classroom, but at home, in clubs and with friends are different now and at first can seem enormous. As a parent, how do you spot the signs that something’s wrong and that the [...]Read more