Parent skills

How have Parent-Teacher relationships changed?
The importance of strong parent/teacher relationships A strong relationship between parent and teacher is essential to the success of a child’s education. It has always been an influential factor in a good education, although the parent/teacher relationship has changed over time. [...]Read more

Is school fun?
Do your kids find school fun? Are they having fun – or being naughty? This may sometimes appear to be a very fine line – that can be interpreted by parents and teachers differently – but shouldn’t school be fun? A Times Educational Supplement survey reports the top 100 things [...]Read more

How tonight’s dinner can boost your child’s exam chances
Many parents wonder what they can do to help their children cope with the stresses of exam time and improve their chances in succeeding. While exams may seem to be a long way off, and maintaining a healthy balance between study and relaxation is important, diet can also [...]Read more

Are your kids being programmed for success?
It’s impossible to see into the future (unless you happen to have a really good crystal ball), so who knows what lies ahead for your children? They’ll choose careers – and probably change their career path more than once – you can’t make them follow the career of your choice, but [...]Read more