
Benefits and Challenges of Home-Schooling
Have you ever considered home-schooling your children? If this is something you’re thinking about, this blog will look at the challenges and benefits of home-schooling. It will also show how Exemplar Education can be the perfect partner in helping keep you confident that you’re [...]Read more

An apple for the teacher
There’s something that you don’t know until your child starts school – teachers get presents at the end of each year and at Christmas. And Reception is the statement year for gifts! As with so many things, from first school parties to first school parents’ events, [...]Read more

Can you afford schooling?
Teacher shortages, budget cuts, bigger classes – every news bulletin has another piece of alarming education news. Whether your children’s school is directly affected or not it’s got to be worrying. There were Academies, which were developed to improve things, but now there’s a [...]Read more

When the teacher is away …
What happens at your child’s school when a teacher is absent? Hopefully, a suitably qualified replacement will take over, but few schools have a bank of teachers sitting in the staff room waiting to cover absence. At primary level where one teacher may teach several subjects, [...]Read more

How well are your children taught?
There was a time when heaps of marking was the preserve of secondary teachers, but now primary children get homework (as well as class exercise) to mark. Gone are the days when primary teachers could ‘go with the flow’ as long as children were learning. Every lesson has a lesson [...]Read more

This 10-year-old maths genius wants to change the world
Esther Okade, from Walsall in the West Midlands, seems in many ways to be like any other ten year old – she plays dress up, plays with dolls and likes being in the park with her family. On the other hand, she’s also an undergraduate, with plans to take on a PhD by the time [...]Read more

The Pros and Cons of home education
When it comes to the education of your child, there are a lot of factors to consider and decisions to be made. You might be considering a different option than the traditional style of education – such as educating your child on your own at home. Home education can be a [...]Read more

What is flexischooling?
Flexischooling is a unique arrangement between the parent and the school in which children are registered at school normally yet only attend part time. The rest of the time the child will be home educated. There is no curriculum that parents must follow when they are educating [...]Read more

7 gifts teachers REALLY want to receive at the end of term
The old cliche of an apple for the teacher is now very old hat and now it’s that time of year again, the end of term is in sight and parents up and down the country are racking their brains for the perfect gift for their child’s teachers. It’s probably quite tricky to pin down a [...]Read more