GCSE Maths Revision Powerpack™

GCSE Maths Revision PowerPack

The Exemplar GCSE Maths Revision PowerPackTM is an innovative new revision tool that is highly flexible, giving you and your family a personalised and targeted revision resource.
With 3 revision modes it provides the maximum flexibility for different stages of the revision process.
From only £396
(monthly plans available)
Exemplar scores 10 out of 10!
400,000 Students since we started
We have been helping students in maths and English from Year 1 to GCSE for over 25 years and now we’re making that experience available for GCSE Maths Revision
Over 190 targeted maths lessons
The GCSE Maths Revision PowerPack™ library provides students with hundreds of targeted, clear and effective lessons, from only £1.54 per lesson!
Three Revision Modes
The GCSE Maths Revision Powerpack has three revision modes to suit every student’s needs at all the stages of the revision process
Revision Mode: StudySmart
Use the PowerPack™ Initial Assessment to identify areas of weakness and create an individual Personalised Study Plan
Revision Mode: StudyTopix
Topic by topic revision – search your PowerPack™ library for any topic and find all the lessons relevant to that topic
Revision Mode: StudyMax
Full revision programme – using the PowerPack™ library to cover all lessons and be sure that everything has been revised.
Fully Aligned to Major Exam Boards
Choose your personalised course that is aligned to the OCR, AQA, EdExcel or WJEC exam Boards, ensuring consistency for your child.
Comprehensive Lesson Structure
The GCSE Maths Revision PowerPack uses an Advanced Smart Diagnostic Tool, Personalised Study Plan, video lessons, regular testing and reporting
Helping You Help Them
We don’t just support your kids’ GCSE maths revision, you will be regularly informed about their progress, to help you keep them motivated
Qualified Teacher support
Our 0800 Teacher Helpline is available, 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year, to ensure no question goes unanswered with their GCSE Maths Revision
From only £396
(monthly plans available)
Involving & Informing Parents
GCSE maths revision can be a difficult time for students and parents alike. You want to help and support as much as possible, without doing the teaching. Until now that would mean using expensive private tutors, visits to a study centre or one of the huge number of self-help websites.
- But which is right for your kids?
- What topics do they need help with?
- Does the material cover everything they need to know?
- Is the material aligned with the curriculum of the exam board your kids will be sitting?
- How can you be sure if they are doing well or not?
From only £396
(monthly plans available)
Benefits and Cost
Home based and always available, at times to suit the student, not a tutor
Gives parents powerful tools so you can help your kids with their GCSE Maths revision
Affordable solution so you can give them as much help as they need with their GCSE maths revision
Allows the full range of topics to be revised and specific gaps to be identified and addressed
Structured to encourage success and build your kids confidence
Students work at their own pace with personalised study plans
From only £396
(monthly plans available)
So, what is the GCSE Maths Revision PowerPack™?
From only £396
(monthly plans available)
The Smart Diagnostic Tool™
The SDT is an advanced dynamic diagnostic tool for analysing student assessments and creating individualised study plans, based specifically around each student’s current learning requirements for their GCSE maths revision. In simple terms the SMART Diagnostic Tool™ is an individual study plan builder based on the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Creating a personalised study plan is as simple as answering questions; the questions are weighted, so they start with the easy questions and progressively get more difficult. The questions cover all topics aligned to yourGCSE maths revision requirement. Once the questions have been answered our SDT analyses what your child knows and what your child needs to revise. At the end of yourGCSE maths revision course there is an End of Course Assessment – very much like the questions used initially for creating the study plan. This is a great way to reassess what your child has learnt throughout their study plan as well as identify any areas or topics that may still require further revision. This process can be repeated an unlimited number of times.Study Plans
It is vital that your child creates their study plan as their first lesson – this can greatly speed up their GCSE maths revision process – only having to contend with topics they need to learn. Maximising revision time means your child is work smarter, not harder. A personalised study plan is created when a student completes a course assessment. From the results, a tailored list of lessons is provided that has been identified as needing revision. The student study plan is a specifically created course of interactive lessons that have been individually tailored to your child’s current knowledge. The study plan is designed to take the frustration out of theirGCSE maths revision by identifying what they need to study and removing what they don’t. The completed Study Plan will list all the lessons that your child still needs to learn and none of the material they already know. Study plans are tailored to each child’s current learning, so no two Study Plans will be the same. The Study Plan will only consist of lessons where your child showed a weakness or lower understanding of the lesson materials. Alternatively, no topics will be included in the study plan if your child has shown a sound understanding of the topic knowledge. On completion of each lesson examination, your child will instantly see their results and upon passing the exam, they are automatically moved onto the next lesson in sequence to their study plan course curriculum. As a parent you’re able to view a detailed report on exactly what subjects your child is required to be studying. All results are continually updated after each lesson and presented in easy to read formats within the reports module.The Lessons
Your child has access to the complete GCSE Maths Revision PowerPack™ library for your chosen revision course. This includes both revision and/or extension work. Each lesson is supported by ‘practice exercises’, ‘video tutorials’, and ‘examinations’. Each lesson within the study plan follows our learning methodology which consists of: Step 1 – Practice Lesson, Step 2 – Video Tutorial and Step 3 – Lesson Examination. Our learning methodology follows a step by step process: Step 1 Practice, Step 2 Tutorial, Step 3 Examination. This provides a fail-safe learning approach and ensures your child benefits fully from the automated learning system for their GCSE maths revision. Step 1 – Practice This module or unit of questions is made available simply to expose your child to the new lesson and the type of questions they will be required to attempt. It is also a great way to assess how much your children know about a lesson they may not have been taught yet. During Practice, children get a second attempt at each question if they need to. The video tutorial can be viewed during any question throughout the Practice if your child is having difficulty or does not understand the series of questions being asked. Once the tutorial has been viewed, the child is returned to the same question they were doing. If a child excels during the Practice stage and achieves a high percentage result, the system will advise you to attempt the Examination step without the need to view the Video Tutorial, this can speed up the learning process if the student so requires. It works the other way too, if the result for the Practice is lower than the child’s set controlling percentage the system will advise the student to review the video tutorial to learn about the topic being attempted. Step 2 – Video Tutorial The Video Tutorial is the one-on-one teaching moment of the lesson. These supporting videos presented by qualified and experienced teachers allow your child to watch and learn about the current topic they are attempting. Your child has total control over the video tutorial, they can replay or skip to any section as many times as they need to understand the process for the current lesson. The video tutorials explain in very easy terms what the topic is, how and where it is used, as well as how to use the required techniques and processes to answer the topic questions. Simple Play/Stop/Pause controls and skip forward/back controls allow your child to learn at their own pace. There is no time limit or restriction placed on your child and no peer pressure, they have control of the lesson and the teacher. Step 3 – Examination The Examination step is the final step in each lesson. During the exam your child only gets a single attempt at the questions being asked, very much like an examination situation held at school. The Examination step is the assessment step in the learning process, where your child gets to test themselves on what they have learnt during the lesson topic. The system will give your child advice based on their results. If they passed the exam by bettering their Mastery Score, they will be congratulated and then directed to move onto the next lesson. If the score is less than the Mastery Score, the system will encourage your child to review the video tutorial or reattempt the exam. The Mastery Score has been set to 90%, to ensure that full understanding and knowledge has been achieved, providing a solid foundation for their GCSE examination. The result of each exam is recorded and presented for easy viewing within the Reports feature. Examinations can be retried as many times as the child wishes, this only reinforces what they know and our system encourages each child to achieve the best score they can.Video Tutorials
The video tutorials explain in very easy terms what the topic is, how and where it is used as well as how to use the required techniques and processes to answer the topic questions. They can be used to learn a completely new topic or simply to refresh knowledge your child has already gained. Tutorials are written and presented by qualified and experienced teachers using proven techniques that provide for all skill-levels and ensure a sound consolidation of lesson content. Your child has total control over the video tutorial. They can replay or skip to any section as many times as they need to understand the process for the current lesson. Simple play/stop/pause controls and skip forward/back controls allow your child to learn at their own pace. There is no time limit or restriction placed on your child and no peer pressure, they have control of the lesson and the teacher.Student monitoring & reporting
Having the ability to monitor your children’s progress with their GCSE maths revision is important, because it ensures you have access to the most up-to-date statistical data, keeping you in touch with their current GCSE maths revision progress and performance. With our system you are able to track the progress and monitor the outcomes of your child’s learning. Our system identifies all subject matter that requires revision and allows you to view all results from each lesson in detail with well laid out and easy to read reports. Being available online means you can access this information from the home, office or any computer with internet access at any time.Study Plan Reporting
The Personal Study plan report shows all the lessons that the SMART Diagnostic Tool™ has identified as needing revision within your child’s course year. The Study Plan displays the amount of lessons understood, lessons to do and the date of the assessment. Topic – name. Title – the lesson name description. Attempted Date – the date the lesson was accessed. Lesson Status The Lesson Status shows:-
- Not attempted – indicates the student has not accessed this lesson.
- Browsed – indicates the student has accessed the video tutorial or practice lesson.
- Incomplete – indicates the student has attempted the lesson examination and exited the exam prior to completion.
- Passed – indicates the student has completed the exam and achieved the mastery score associated to the student.
- Below Mastery – indicates the student has completed the lesson exam and didn’t achieve the student mastery score.
Summary Reporting
The Summary report gives the statistical data and pie chart information on your child’s GCSE maths revision.-
- Last lesson accessed – indicates the last lesson your child has accessed.
- Last accessed date – indicates the last date a lesson was accessed.
- Total number of lessons – this indicates number of lessons within the course.
- Total number of lessons passed – this indicates the number of lessons passed within the course to date.
- Total number of lessons attempted – this indicates the number of lessons attempted, including passed, incomplete and below mastery.
- Total number of incomplete lessons – this indicates the number of lesson exams the student has exited prior to completion.
- Total number of lessons with below mastery – this indicates the number of lesson exams that were below the set lesson pass mark for the student.
- Average mark per lesson achieved – this indicates the average score against all passed and below mastery lesson exams.
- Total certificates lessons achieved – with each lesson exam the student can gain a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE award which works towards a certificate.