Welcome to Exemplar Education
Thanks for dropping in to find out more about Exemplar Education and how it can help families like yours ensure that their children get the best they possibly can from their education
Whether it’s helping to catch up, exam preparation or maybe wanting them to get ahead so they get the best from the lessons in class, we’re here to help and guide you.

Information and Ideas
Family life is about more that just education. Parenting can be a challenge and a joy all at the same time! We get that. So, each week we post a new blog covering all sorts of ideas, from keeping the kids busy on rainy holiday days, to keeping them safe on the internet, motivating them for revision and homework and many other topics. Book mark the page and come back regularly … read more >
How does Exemplar work?
Affordable and available all day, every day, Exemplar’s unique learning approach and advanced SMART Diagnostic Tool will provide your children with individual, personalised learning programmes. It also gives you as parents tools that let you give them as much help as they need, not just a once a week visit by a private tutor … read more >

Questions You Want to Ask
Even though you’ve been reading about how our bloggers families are using their programmes, there’s bound to be other questions that you want to ask. Most of the ones we’re commonly asked are answered here FAQ’s > or contact us with anything else here Contact Us >
Identify your children’s strengths and weaknesses in these two core subjects