
Challenges for parents whose first language isn’t English – implications for learning and schooling for their children
There are many families living in the UK whose first language isn’t English and schools in England are becoming more culturally and linguistically diverse. While many students quickly attain proficiency in English, there’s can sometimes be a language barrier when communicating [...]Read more

Introducing Our New GCSE Maths Revision Powerpack!
If your children are taking GCSE exams this summer, then you’ll know the pressure is mounting on them to gain good grades – with maths revision often being a particularly challenging subject for many children and parents alike! You want to help and support as much as possible [...]Read more

Exam pressure – how can you help?
School life seems to be more and more focused on exams. GCSEs are the golden apples students need to achieve to have a chance of a getting a job, then there are A levels and University ahead.But now SATsRead more

Confidence building for kids
There’s so much pressure for kids to be confident – in school, with their friends and online. With children as young as five having their own YouTube channels (managed by their parents of course), to schools putting on productions or even standing up in class as part of a [...]Read more

Teach your kids to dream
During the summer, in the midst of A level result fever, Stormzy announced he would be funding two places at Cambridge University for black students. The rapper wants to inspire smart black students to dream big and not to let the reputation of top notch universities intimidate [...]Read more

The balance of perfection
Spend a few minutes trawling Instagram or Facebook and we’re pretty sure you’ll come across several #soblessed #perfectfamily or #makingmemories posts, all creating a picture-perfect existence of family life. However, look a little deeper, meet the people in the photos and we’re [...]Read more

How was your day?
As any parent with school-aged children will tell you, when they ask their child what they did all day at school the usual response is often, ‘Nothing’, ‘I can’t remember’ or ‘Stuff’. This can leave you feeling frustrated and a little concerned, have they really done nothing ALL [...]Read more

Secondary stress
Secondary school is a huge jump for children. The pressures on them from all angles, not just in the classroom, but at home, in clubs and with friends are different now and at first can seem enormous. As a parent, how do you spot the signs that something’s wrong and that the [...]Read more

Get ready for the 11-Plus …
Ideally, you should start preparing your child around a year ahead. So if your 9-year old will take 11-Plus in January 2019, it’s now a great time to start helping them to develop the skills needed to take their exam with confidence. It’s time to start your plan. For English [...]Read more

The Popularity Contest
Every school and every class has students who stand out – not for being the smartest – but for being the ones everyone else wants to be like. The popular people! What sets one student apart as ‘popular’? The answer is usually self-confidence and that leads to becoming a bit of a [...]Read more

The art of creativity
If you’re from a certain generation you’ll have heard about Edward De Bono and the concept of lateral thinking. Some people call it creative thinking, some people describe it as right brain activity – but whatever you call it, being able to think creatively is a life skill every [...]Read more

Starting them young
Life seems to move faster and faster, work-life balance is constantly challenging and stress is now something we expect to suffer from on a daily basis – not just a very occasional issue. We look back at our schooldays and wish we could go back to when all we had to do was play [...]Read more