
Introducing Our New GCSE Maths Revision Powerpack!
If your children are taking GCSE exams this summer, then you’ll know the pressure is mounting on them to gain good grades – with maths revision often being a particularly challenging subject for many children and parents alike! You want to help and support as much as possible [...]Read more

Exam pressure – how can you help?
School life seems to be more and more focused on exams. GCSEs are the golden apples students need to achieve to have a chance of a getting a job, then there are A levels and University ahead.But now SATsRead more

Building in success
At this time of year it’s easy to be focused on the festive season and put exam pressure out of your mind, but exams in many schools will start in January – and it’s not far away. Getting into positive habits can never start too soon for children to do well in exams, whether [...]Read more

All work and no play …
It’s exam time and if your children are taking critical exams they’ll probably be in meltdown right about now. Revision will be taking over their lives. If your teen is diligently beavering away with a mountain of revision material, it can be easy to let them get on with it and [...]Read more

Counting down to 2019 GCSEs
Is your child watching the mounting panic in school as the year above gets ready for their GCSE exams? It may be more than a year before it becomes their reality, but there’s nothing like starting early to make GCSEs less scary. As a parent you want your kids to do well in their [...]Read more

Make every exam minute count
When you’re in an exam you only have a fixed length of time, so it’s important to make sure you don’t waste a second! So what’s the secret to getting the most of those precious exam minutes? The answer is PPS – Prepare, Plan, Stick to the plan! Preparation Success in the exam [...]Read more

Additional time is available for exams
Children with certain difficulties and conditions can apply for additional time to complete exams. If your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, for example, the school can apply for 25% extra time to complete their exam. Clearly it’s not just a case of submitting an [...]Read more