Facebook privacy

“Who’s your friend?”
In primary school, getting to know your child’s friends and their parents is easy. Most children will stay with their class the whole way through and you’ll form friendships with the mums in the playground, on school trips and through the endless birthday parties and school [...]Read more

Keeping Facebook safe for parents
As parents we’re constantly being told we need to monitor our children’s movements online, their social channels, who they’re talking to and to watch for bullying. But, as parents, there’s no one doing the same for us? How do we know what we shouldn’t be doing online? We’ve put [...]Read more

Facebook and your child’s school
With billions of users, Facebook is a huge part of society and more recently, it’s also become a huge part of school life, in more ways than one. The PTA Most schools will now have a private Facebook group purely for parents and teachers at the school. This is often run by the [...]Read more