
Learning with Autism
What is autism? TheNational Autistic Societydefines autism as; “A lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. Autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. If you are autistic, you are autistic [...]Read more

Introducing Our New GCSE Maths Revision Powerpack!
If your children are taking GCSE exams this summer, then you’ll know the pressure is mounting on them to gain good grades – with maths revision often being a particularly challenging subject for many children and parents alike! You want to help and support as much as possible [...]Read more

Maths and Decluttering
This blog explores how you can encourage mathematical development whilst your child carries out household chores. We all know sometimes it can be much easier and faster to just do it ourselves. But it’s important for children to understand basic life skills, learn to be [...]Read more

Halloween maths
Halloween is a time for spooky fun with your children – trick or treats, pumpkin carving and the opportunity to dress up as their favourite creepy character. It can also be a scarily good opportunity to incorporate some maths into their play and they won’t even realise. We’ve [...]Read more

Screen time for children
As a parent, how much ‘screen time’ your children should be exposed to is something that is always a consideration – in a world where TVs, phones, laptops and iPads are common in most homes. So what’s the official advice? The World Health Organisation says that 3 – 4 year olds [...]Read more

Lifelong learning
When did you last learn something? You don’t stop learning when you leave school, you have to learn new skills when you enter the workplace and when you leave home you learn to do household tasks that you’ve managed to avoid until then. Learning is essential to surviving in [...]Read more

Summer learning
It’s the school holidays and the kids are loving being out of school, long summer days and no lessons! But young brains are curious and if they’re not exercised, boredom kicks in and then you have problems. As a parent it’s time to get sneaky and find fun things to keep the kids [...]Read more

Qualifications count
More and more teenagers are heading for University. That means that there are more people with degrees entering the job market. The result is that an increasing number of employers are looking for qualifications, even for lower level positions. Graduates earn, on average, 48% [...]Read more

How was your day?
As any parent with school-aged children will tell you, when they ask their child what they did all day at school the usual response is often, ‘Nothing’, ‘I can’t remember’ or ‘Stuff’. This can leave you feeling frustrated and a little concerned, have they really done nothing ALL [...]Read more

Maths in action
Maths is a tricky subject. Ask most parents and they will say that they are either good or bad at maths. There’s rarely an in-between and it’s an opinion that can be hugely damaging to children’s own views of their maths capabilities. Schools are now starting to recognise this [...]Read more

Secondary stress
Secondary school is a huge jump for children. The pressures on them from all angles, not just in the classroom, but at home, in clubs and with friends are different now and at first can seem enormous. As a parent, how do you spot the signs that something’s wrong and that the [...]Read more

Get ready for the 11-Plus …
Ideally, you should start preparing your child around a year ahead. So if your 9-year old will take 11-Plus in January 2019, it’s now a great time to start helping them to develop the skills needed to take their exam with confidence. It’s time to start your plan. For English [...]Read more