
Developing a love of language
Kids invent new words – and new uses for existing words – confusing their parents and older family members. Anyone who has seen Gran’s reaction to their favourite grandchild describing something as ‘sick’ – and their confusion – will know what we’re talking about here. It’s not [...]Read more

How well are your children taught?
There was a time when heaps of marking was the preserve of secondary teachers, but now primary children get homework (as well as class exercise) to mark. Gone are the days when primary teachers could ‘go with the flow’ as long as children were learning. Every lesson has a lesson [...]Read more

Your adult self doesn’t learn the same as when you were a child
Adults often feel like they just can’t learn things as quickly as when you were a child. It seems like whereas information used to be soaked up like a sponge, it takes a lot longer to learn new things later in life. Are adults just not as good at learning as children, or do they [...]Read more

How have Parent-Teacher relationships changed?
The importance of strong parent/teacher relationships A strong relationship between parent and teacher is essential to the success of a child’s education. It has always been an influential factor in a good education, although the parent/teacher relationship has changed over time. [...]Read more

How does your child prefer to learn?
Are you wondering what the best way is to help your child learn? It might depend on his or her learning style. The Honey & Mumford learning styles, developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, categorize people into four learning groups that are supposed to be reflective of [...]Read more