school uniform

School uniform shopping top tips
Despite the fact that our children spend more time in their school uniform than anything else, we can still begrudge the expense. Let’s face it, buying yet another pair of white socks isn’t as fun as a cute dress or jumper. But there are ways of bagging some great deals. Cashback [...]Read more

Get ahead of the summer holiday
With six weeks of no school, it’s easy to banish all thoughts of next term with a sigh of relief. But it’s wise to plan ahead a little. Here are a few tips that will help smooth the way through to the next school year. Get your payments in check With the majority of schools [...]Read more

That magic little word – Routine
From the moment you discovered you were going to be a parent, the word routine started to sneak into conversations about your child. Friends and family were full of advice and statements like: ‘Make sure you get the baby into a routine or they’ll never sleep properly’ And ‘You [...]Read more

Don’t raid the stationery store!
Each school has their own requirements for what your child will and won’t need to bring. Finding this out before your child starts school can save you a lot of money and also take away a lot of stress. Stationery Yes, all the rows of beautiful pencil cases and matching [...]Read more

Secondary uniform costs
This is the second of two articles about getting your kids ready for school on a budget. Secondary uniform costs can reach into the middle hundreds with the addition of specific sports kits, stationery, extra shoes and school branded skirts, blazers and jumpers. You might think [...]Read more

Uniforms – without breaking the bank
This is the first of two articles on helping you to make the budget stretch further to kit out your kids for school. There’s no way around it, school uniform is expensive. It’s not just the traditional dress/trousers/skirts and polo shirts; it’s also the cardigans and jumpers [...]Read more