study tips

Screen time for children
As a parent, how much ‘screen time’ your children should be exposed to is something that is always a consideration – in a world where TVs, phones, laptops and iPads are common in most homes. So what’s the official advice? The World Health Organisation says that 3 – 4 year olds [...]Read more

Building in success
At this time of year it’s easy to be focused on the festive season and put exam pressure out of your mind, but exams in many schools will start in January – and it’s not far away. Getting into positive habits can never start too soon for children to do well in exams, whether [...]Read more

Get ready for the 11-Plus …
Ideally, you should start preparing your child around a year ahead. So if your 9-year old will take 11-Plus in January 2019, it’s now a great time to start helping them to develop the skills needed to take their exam with confidence. It’s time to start your plan. For English [...]Read more

7 ways to improve concentration when studying
With an enforced period in hospital just before second year university exams I had 4 weeks to spend revising. I learned a lot about effective studying, which for someone with a low attention span (sound familiar?) was a real godsend. Because I had little else to do I revised for [...]Read more

Is your child taking the 11 plus this year?
Although many teachers are unable to provide specialised support for youngsters who want to take the 11 plus, as a parent you can help. The first step is to understand the kind of questions your child will have to answer. Take a look at these samples taken from a typical test* [...]Read more

Mega-study strategies
Exams are gone and there’s a break now before the results come in and there’s either euphoria or gloom to deal with. The holidays are ahead and social media no longer competes for attention with homework and revision, it’s got free rein. However, it’s a great time to get the [...]Read more