summer fun for kids

Summer learning
It’s the school holidays and the kids are loving being out of school, long summer days and no lessons! But young brains are curious and if they’re not exercised, boredom kicks in and then you have problems. As a parent it’s time to get sneaky and find fun things to keep the kids [...]Read more

Summer holiday fun
The summer holidays are not far off and there will probably be delight at time off school. However, it won’t be long before either the kids complain that they’re bored, or you start to worry that they’re glued to their screens for more hours than is good for them. It can be a [...]Read more

Learning to ride a bike
A recent study has found that over a third of primary-age children cannot ride a bike! A worrying statistic, but with the summer here there’s no better time to grab a bike and get out there. Before we go into our tips for learning to ride, we know bikes are an expensive [...]Read more

Healthy, no-sugar baking
We all know sugar isn’t the best thing to include in our diets, but we also like to bake for our family and most children do love a slice of cake. We’ve put together a great no-sugar bake which passes the taste test, but lessens the sugar guilt. This is one recipe, but the [...]Read more

Fun activities to do for free
Days out with the kids can be expensive. But there’s also a heap of things you can do at home or away, for free. Here are some ideas. Build a den There are so many ways you can build a den, from draping a sheet over the top of a couple of dining chairs to […]Read more

Keep moving
Woo-hoo it’s the holidays, no more alarm and no more school run. But, if you’re used to walking, scooting or cycling to school, you can find there’s a large activity hole left to fill in your day. Children need an hour of vigorous exercise every day, ideally more, so how do you [...]Read more

Suntan Lotion UVA and UVB
Finding the right suntan lotion for your little one can be a minefield. With so many brands on the market, it’s hard to know what’s going to benefit them and which could cause more problems. We’ve tried to break it down into some easy to look out for tips. Know your ratings A [...]Read more

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll have noticed the current school craze for all things slime. While the very thought of slime for most parents makes them shudder and thoughts of mess, sticky carpets and glitter explosions is enough to put anyone off it can be an [...]Read more

The reading challenge
If your child is in primary or junior school chances are they’ve been set some form of reading challenge. While schools try hard to sell the reading challenge as fun and different, let’s be honest, most children just want to spend time with their friends playing in the garden or [...]Read more

10 low cost and fun holiday activities
If you are looking at six weeks of trying to think of things to do with the kids during the summer break, here are ten ideas A daily dance session: if your family like music, dial up the most upbeat music you can find and get the whole family dancing. A 15-minute boogie session [...]Read more