thank you gifts

An apple for the teacher
There’s something that you don’t know until your child starts school – teachers get presents at the end of each year and at Christmas. And Reception is the statement year for gifts! As with so many things, from first school parties to first school parents’ events, [...]Read more

Creative baking – with a difference
If you follow our blog you may have seen our recipe for salt dough ornaments. If not, be sure to check it out, it’s a great Christmas activity to do with the children. This blog is also about baking, with a pinch of Maths and English for good measure. Write a story and bake [...]Read more

7 gifts teachers REALLY want to receive at the end of term
The old cliche of an apple for the teacher is now very old hat and now it’s that time of year again, the end of term is in sight and parents up and down the country are racking their brains for the perfect gift for their child’s teachers. It’s probably quite tricky to pin down a [...]Read more